The First Four Khalifahs (Caliphates) of Islam

The First Four Khalifahs (Caliphates) of Islam

The First Four Khalifahs (Caliphates) of Islam
The First Four Khalifahs (Caliphates) of Islam

Significance of the Khalifah (Caliphate)

As a successor of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), a Khalifah (Radi Allahu anha) was the head of the Muslim community and his primary responsibility was to continue along the path shown by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He would be a mere ruler and not sovereign, as sovereignty belongs with Allah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala) alone.

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (Rd) 44(8th June 632 -23 August 634 A.D.)

Abu Bakr (Rd) known as Abd-Allah ibn Abu-Qahafa but given the name Abd-al-Kaa’bah (Servant of the Kaa’bah) at birth. He was born in Makkah in 573 C.E. in the Banu Taym branch of the Quraysh tribe. Abu Bakr (Rd) was the son of Uthman Abu Qahafa and Salma (known as Umm-ul-Khair, Mother of the Good). He was a merchant by trade and the first among the Sahaabah (Rd) (companions) to accept Islam. Abu Bakr (Rd) accompanied the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) during the Hijrah (migration) to Madinah. Abu Bakr (Rd) loved his faith more than anything else. He was a very close friend & companion of the Prophet (SAW) since childhood, and was by his side through the difficult early years of Islam. He was given the title Companion of the Cave. He freed many slaves, including Hazrat Bilal (Rd) (a dark skinned Ethiopian slave who went on to become a very close companion of the Prophet (SAW). One of the many contributions of Abu Bakr (Rd) was the collection and compilation of the Holy Qur’aan. He lived a very simple, pious and upright life. Abu Bakr (Rd) was a true servant of Allah (SWT) (God) and a meticulous follower of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). His daughter ‘Aisha (Rd) was the blessed wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) His Caliphate lasted for 27 months. On Monday 23 August 634 AD. Abu Bakr As-Siddique (Rd) died in Madinah and was buried by the side of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Umar ibn AI-Khattaab (Rd) (23rd Aug 634- 7th Nov 644 A.D.)

Umar (Rd) was the son of Khattaab. He is famously known in Islamic history as Al-Farooq (the Distinguisher between Right and Wrong) and the first Caliph to be called Amir al-Mu’mineen (Commander of the Faithful). He was well respected for his justice and earned the title Daarul Adaal (house of justice). His acceptance of Islam is also very famous. A special prayer of the Prophet (SAW) was accepted which led to Umari (Rd) accepting the Islamic faith. Umar (Rd) was a very brave and straight-forward person. He was tough and uncompromising in Islamic principles. He was a great and talented ruler. During his Khilaafah (administration), vast areas of the Roman & Persian empires and the whole of Egypt accepted Islamic rule. He was a gifted speaker. Simplicity & devotion were some of his main characteristics. Umar (Rd) used to wear simple clothes, including ones with had many patches and yet received governors, convoys and diplomats. He established Population Census and the first Islamic Lunar calendar – beginning from the Hijrah (migration to Madinah). Moreover, he established orphanages, welfare homes and had roads & canals constructed during his noble era. On Sunday 7th November 644 A.D., Umar Al-Farooq (Rd) passed away in Madinah from serious injury inflicted upon him 3 days earlier by a rebel whilst he was leading congregational prayers. He was buried by the side of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Uthmaan Ibn Affaan (Rd) (11th November 644-17 July 656 A.D.)

‘Uthmaan (Rd), the son of Affaan was born in Ta’if into the wealthy Umayyad (Banu Umayya) clan of the Quraysh tribe. ‘Uthmaan (Rd) accepted Islam at the invitation of Abu Bakr (Rd). After which, he migrated to Abyssinia with his wife Ruqayyah (Rd), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). They later moved back to Makkah and then migrated to Madinah. After Ruqayyah passed away, he married Umme Kulthum (Rd) , another daughter of the Prophet (SAW). Because of this, he earned the title Zhun-Nurayn (Man with Two Lights). ‘Uthmaan (Rd) was a very generous man. He used to spend a lot of money in order to facilitate Islam and to free slaves. He brought about many economic & social reforms. ‘Uthmaan (Rd) made copies of the Holy Qur’aan from the original and sent it to capitals cities such as Kufa, Damascus, Makkah and Basrah, each accompanied by a Qari (Reciter of the Holy Qur’aan) for the guidance of the readers. Although he was very rich, his living was very simple. He did not indulge in luxury and was ever mindful of death. Major parts of the night were spent In Salaah (prayer). He also fasted every second or third day. On Friday 17th of Dhul Hijjah, in the year 35 A.H, ‘Uthmaan Ibn Affaan (Rd) was made Shaheed (martyred) by rebels, whilst he was reading the Holy Qur’aan inside his house. He was 84 years old and was buried in Jannatul Baqi (graveyard in Madinah).

Ali ibn Abi Taalibe (Rd) (656 – 661 A.D.)

Ali (Rd) the son of Abu Taalib, an uncle of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), was born in Kufa, Iraq. All (Rd) married Faatimah (Rd); the daughter of Muhammad (SAW).They had 3 sons, Hasan, Husain & Mohsin (Rd) and 2 daughters Zainab and Umm-Kulthum (Rd). He also held many important positions of authority during the time of Muhammad (SAW) and the first 3 Caliphs (Rd). He had great love for learning and was a great and learned person himself. He was given the title of Bab-Ul-Ilm (Gate of Learning). He was also called ‘Asaadullah (Lion of Allah). Ali (Rd) transferred the Islamic capital from Madinah to Kufah in Iraq during his Khilaafah. He lived a simple life, refusing any luxury foods and wore simple clothes thinking of the poor. He would sleep on the ground and sit on the floor. He would spend his nights in Salaah (prayer) and would fast for three days in a row. Honesty, piety, justice & love of the truth were the main marks of his character. In the early morning of the 24th of January 661 A.D. (19th Ramadhaan), Ibn Muljim stabbed All (Rd) with a poisoned dagger whilst he was on his way to the Masjid (Mosque) for Fajr Salaah (morning-prayer). On January 28th, 661 A.D. (21st of Ramadhan) All ibn Abu Taalib (Rd) passed away from the wound aged 63 years old. He had asked his friends and family to bury him in a secret location.

  • SWT = Glorified and most High
  • SAW = May Allah Shower His Mercy and blessings upon Him
  • Rd = Allah be pleased with her
  • Rd = Allah be pleased with him
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