Golden Rules & Easy Ways to Memorize Quran Kareem
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Golden Rules & Easy Ways to Memorize Quran Kareem |
Quran is the miraculous and everlasting Book of Allah. It is revealed to His servant and last Prophet Mohammed PBUH. Allah has protected the Quran from any change; no one can add to it or omit anything from it. Allah says: “We have revealed the Quran and We are Its Protector”. The Quran which we have now in the east and in the west is the Quran that was revealed to the Prophet PBUH by Allah through Gabriel. It is the Quran which the Propbet PBUH taught His companions, the carriers of this religion. It was collected by Abu Baker following Omar’s advice, written down by Othman and the whole nation agreed on its authenticity.
This Book, the Quran, is the Muslims’ Law, the Straight Path, the Strong Rope of Allah and it is their everlasting guidance and wisdom-giver. The Quran is the Miracle of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH and it is the way which leads Muslims to glory and dignity in all circumstances and at all times. For all these reasons, Allah has made reading Quran an act of worshiping and made those who learn It and teach It the best of all people.
The Prophet PBUH says: “The one who reads a letter of the Quran will have ten Hassanat (rewards)”. Narrated by Turmezi & AlDareemi and Albani putis in his Sabiha.
The one who reads Quran with difficulties his/her reward will be multiplied, and the one who excellently reads Quran he/she will be with the Angels at Judgement Day. (Agreed upon). At Judgement Day, it will be said to the memoriser of the Quran “Read and elevate, your position is at the last verse you read”. This great status is for no one but for the memorisers of the Quran.
Because of the importance of memorizing the Quran, I would like to give my brothers and sisters some general guidelines, which help Muslims to memorize the Book of Allah. I hope that this will enable us to reach that great status of Quran memorizers, and if we cannot achieve everything let us try to achieve at least something.
1- Sincerity:
The intention is very important. The one who wants to memorise the Quran must have the intention that he/she is doing this for the sake of Allah only; to please Allah, to come closer to Him and to enter Paradise. Allah says: “worship Allah sincerely, to Allah belongs the sincere religion”, Allah says as well: “Say..I am ordered to worship Allah sincerely”. The Prophet PBUH says: “Allah says: “The one who does things for the sake of people or other things, Allah will leave him/her to those whom he/she did the thing for.” Narrated by Muslim. Therefore, there will be no reward for those who memorise Quran of reasons other than pleasing Allah. Undoubtedly, if someone memorises Quran for worldly things, he is a sinner.
2- Correcting one’s reading and pronunciation:
After having sincerity, it is obligatory to correct one’s reading and pronunciation. This can be done only through reading to a scholar who is specialised in this area. Reading Quran properly can be achieved only by having face-to-face training. The prophet PBUH, who was the most eloquent man, received It from Gabriel and He used to revise It with Gabriel once a year and in his last year he did twice.
The prophet PBUH taught the companions the Quran verbally as He received it from Gabriel. Correcting one’s reading and pronunciation must be gradual and it requires patience and perseverance. You should not depend on yourself to correct your reading even if your Arabic language is good.
3- Limiting the number of verses to be memorised daily:
The one who wants to memorise the Quran has to know his/her abilities and to determine how many verses they will be memorising daily. They should memorise specific number of verses, correct their reading and pronunciation and recite them repeatedly. The recitation should be rhythmical. This makes memorisation easier, stronger, and more interesting and it makes recognising errors in reading easier. Getting used to a specific rhythm when reading Quran makes it hard to make mistakes. In addition to this, reading Quran rhythmically is a duty imposed by the Prophet PBUH who says: “the one who does not read Quran rhythmically is not one of us”. Narrated by Bukhari.
4- Strengthening memorised verses before moving on to other verses:
The Quran memoriser should not move on to other verses until he has strengthened the first verses he is working on. There are many things, which strengthen memorisation such as reading the verses repeatedly all day, reading in all salats and while waiting for prayer. If someone is too busy, he should read the first reading with a good reciter and then practice his reading by himself. However, regardless to the individuals’ circumstances, the memoriser should not start new verses if he has not finished his daily verses.
5- Read from one Quran:
It is very important for the Quran memoriser to read always from one specific Quran. This makes memorisation easier and faster. Although we memorise by listening, however, visualising this memorisation is very helpful and effective. When the picture of the verses is drawn in our memory, it will be stronger and more everlasting. Reading from many Qurans, which are written and organised differently, will confuse the memoriser and make memorisation difficult.
6- Comprehension is the way for memorisation:
Understanding and knowing how the verses are related to each other is a very helpful tool to memorise the Book of Allah. You should read the interpretation of the verses you are memorising, and know how the verses are connected with each other. Memorisers should always recall these meanings and interpretations while reciting the verses. However, understanding is not enough to guarantee memorisation. Repetition is essential and crucial for memorisation. Sometimes we keep reading in long salat although we are not aware of the meaning of the verses.
7- Connecting the beginning of chapters (Suras) with the end:
The best example for this is our memorisation of the Fatiha which all Muslims say without even thinking about its meaning, we memorise it as one unit that cannot be disintegrated. Although it is very hard to memorise all verses like the memorisation of the Fatiha, but it is a very good example what endless repetition can do to our memory. We should not move on to new chapters unless we have fully understood all verses in the chapter we are memorising, we know the link between the beginning and the end of the Sura and we start to see the whole chapter (sura) as one inseparable unit.
8- The continual face-to-face recitation:
The Quran memoriser should find someone whom he can recite to the memorised verses. It will be better to have someone who knows professionally how to recite Quran in order to correct for him reading and pronunciation. Some people who recite for themselves make mistakes without realising that they are doing such mistakes, because they are used to such mistakes, even if they read from the Quran it will be hard for them to notice these mistakes.
9- Continuous follow-up:
Memorising Quran is different from memorising poetry and prose. It is very easy to forget Quran after you have already memorised. The Prophet PBHU says: “By Allah the One Who Has my soul, The Quran is more detachable “from our memory” than the tied camels.” Therefore, it is imperative that we repeat time after time the recitation of what we have memorised. We should spend nights and days for this memorisation. The Prophet PBUH says: “the example of a Quran memoriser is like the example of a camel owner; if he takes care of him and tie him up, it stays, and if he neglects him, it runs away” Agreed upon.
So, you should always recite repeatedly and at all times. Although there is no minimal limits of reading Quran daily, however, the Prophet says that we should read more than ten chapters a day.
The Prophet: “Quran cannot be understood in less than three days”.
10- Paying special attention to similar verses:
There are many verses in the Quran which are similar in meaning and wording. Allah SWT says: “Allah revealed down the best speech as a Book that has many similar verses in duals”.
2000 verses out of more than 6000 verses in the Quran are similar either in meaning or in reading. The more the Quran memorisers are aware of these similar verses the easier it will be for them to move on with memorisation. It is very helpful to read books which deal with the similar verses in the Quran, such as The Pearl of Revelation and The Best Interpretation and The Secrets of Repetition In The Quran by Mahmoud Bin Hamzah.
11- Memorise at the golden age of memorisation:
The years between 5 to 23 are the golden years for memorisation; at these years, it is easy to memorise and it is difficult to forget. Before five the ability to memorise the Quran will not be developed completely and after 23 or so the ability to memorise starts to decrease and the ability to understand and comprehend starts to increase. Therefore, we should maximise our efforts during these years to memorise as much as possible. Those who have already missed this chance, they should catch up with their sons and daughters.
As the proverb says:
“Knowledge in childhood is like engraving on rocks, and learning in adulthood is like engraving on water”.
May Allah enable us all to memorise the Words for Allah sincerely, understand them and teach them to others. Ameen.
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